Atlanta, GA – The $100 Pay It Forward Challenge
Does giving have financial as well as emotional benefits?
Here is the challenge for this year. Begin with $100 and anonymously pay forward to a few deserving people that you come into contact.
Keep a register to track when unexpected cash comes back to you in tangible ways. Then give those proceeds away again.
You weren’t expecting the increases in the first place so why not pay it forward again? Do this for 3 or 6 months and see what happens.
The most this challenge will cost you is $100. Why not do it? The Lord tells us He will repay the lender. It doesn’t matter if you are a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. This appears to be a universal law. Let’s test it!
Let me give you one quick example. I had some extra cash in my pocket once and overheard a waitress telling a coworker that she didn’t know how she was going to pay her electric bill. I left her a $100 tip when I left. Looking back as I was getting in my car, I saw her crying. She was a single mother with small children. A few days later, a large check came in the mail to me from an overpayment that I had made on an account months earlier that an “audit” revealed I was “owed”. Totally unexpected.
“Kindness to the poor is a loan to the LORD, and He will repay the lender.”
– Proverbs 19:17
To your success,
#Pay It Forward
Shout out today goes to my friend, Eric Fichtner, who has been a wonderful example to me of “giving back” to our community as a servant-leader.